As you may have seen from EN's recent Facebook post, the good news is that rule modifications are to be lifted. HOWEVER, it is important that you read the full update for clarification, which you can do here: The advice for leagues already in progress is for rule modifications to remain for the duration of the season in order to maintain the integrity of that competition, i.e. to ensure a level playing field throughout. With only 3 weeks to go of the competition, BDNA will continue to abide by these modifications accordingly. EN is yet to confirm the finer details of what restrictions will need to remain in place, and we await further clarity after their talks with the government. As changes are due to come into force on Monday, we are endeavouring to provide as much clarity as we can below. 1) ON COURT RULE MODIFICATIONS - TO REMAIN UNTIL THE END OF BDNA SUMMER LEAGUE ✅ 4ft marking of opposition as opposed to 3ft ✅ Players to keep a 4ft distance from each other when idle - on the centre pass, on the circle edge, and within the circle when not in play (i.e. GS and GK) ✅ Removal of toss ups 2) SANITISATION PROTOCOLS ✅ Whilst we are awaiting confirmation on exactly which protocols MUST be adhered to, we would urge players to continue to practice good hand hygiene, and sanitise hands and the ball before the match and during the quarter breaks 3) CLUB ADMIN ✅ EN has stated that clubs must continue to have an appointed Covid Officer and to update their risk assessments. We would advise that clubs revisit these risk assessments once full information from EN has been distributed ✅ Please continue to record the names and telephone numbers of all scorers and spectators on your registration cards for each game 4) REPORTING A COVID CASE ✅ Please follow the same procedure - inform your registration secretary if one of your team has tested positive so that they can inform those in attendance at a game in which that player has played 5) CHANGES TO PROTOCOLS The below are changes we believe can now occur,. We will be keeping a close eye on updates and will keep you informed if anything changes. 👍 We believe the 60 minute rule will no longer be in force - that means that players will no longer be restricted to 60 minutes of netball/only one game per evening. You will now be able to play up on the same night as having played another game. You may also play a game in another league on the same night 👍 We believe that the limit of 30 per court will no longer apply, meaning that there will not be a restriction on spectator numbers
6) BASILDON SPORTING VILLAGE 👣 The one way system will no longer be in force 🚿 Changing rooms will reopen 🕢 BSV advised prior to the start of the league that court times would not change after restrictions were lifted as this task would be too onerous for them administratively. Therefore, 7pm bookings will remain at that time, and all games that would usually be 8.30 will all still be at 8.45. We hope the above clears things up as much as possible at this time. We want to thank you all for everything you have done to make this league happen. It's not been easy and it was always going to be difficult, but I hope you'll agree it's been worth it to play again. BDNA